5 truths for parenting from the Word.

Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash Deuteronomy, written by Moses, is a sermon he preached to a generation that had been born, grown up, and learned of the promises of God in the wilderness. This generation is about to transition into the Promised Land. Moses realizes he’ll go no further and they know he’ll go…

What Does Psalm 51 Teach Us About God?

Here are a few lessons Psalm 51 teaches us about God: He is just in His judgments. Our sins our before Him and against Him. He breaks our bones and convicts us of sin. Then He restores us so we can rejoice in our salvation. His mercy is abundant. His love is steady and enduring.…

Flashback Wednesday: What I Learned in the Hospital

We’re doing something new here at Theology Along the Way! On Wednesdays, we’ll be flashing back to a popular post from years in the past. Hope you enjoy this one from last January: This past week I had to be hospitalized as an unidentified virus was breaking down the muscles in my legs. It brought…

Two reasons truth is essential for hypocrisy.

It’s essential in confronting the charge of hypocrisy. It’s essential in escaping the life of hypocrisy. God is the God of truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The Scriptures are the truth. The gospel is the word of truth. Conversion is a turnaround triggered by truth. Discipleship is the way of…