Leaders Always Take The High Road

Always Take the High Road (taken from Bill Hybels book Axiom) When I was in my early twenties, I served as one of the youth leaders for a group called Son City. We had grown from a whopping attendance of twenty-five people to more than a thousand in less than three years, and God was rocking…

Millennials are turned off by Christians in politics

“If we are going to help Millennials to come or come back to church, we need to understand why the Millennials don’t come now. Here are five reasons.” Millennials have less patience with institutions. Millennials don’t trust institutions – that includes the church. Millennials are less likely to be married. Single people are less likely…

5 Reasons Why Millennials Don’t Come To Church

“If we are going to help Millennials to come or come back to church, we need to understand why the Millennials don’t come now. Here are five reasons.” Millennials have less patience with institutions. Millennials don’t trust institutions – that includes the church. Millennials are less likely to be married. Single people are less likely…

1st quarter reading list

This year I’m going to be much more intentional with my time and one way I’m doing that is planning out my reading list 3 months in advance. Here’s what I’ve selected for January – March: January 2016 Generational IQ (helping me think through making decisions in the church that has, for the first time in…

10 Important Questions To Ask When Considering A Church

  Joshua Harris wrote a fantastic little book entitled Stop Dating The Church: Fall In Love With The Family Of God, where he walks through the beauty of the local church and the expectation that God puts forth in His Word that believers be connected to a local church. To that end, here are ten questions he gives…