Be radically committed to both truth and love

In reading Tim Keller’s The Meaning of Marriage I came across two truths regarding how God relates to us that I wanted to pass along. First, God exemplifies radical truthfulness about who we are. The second is God exemplifies radical, unconditional commitment to us. These two truths should not only encourage us as we ponder…

Did Jesus view Himself as God?

  In a context of strict Jewish monotheism, the following four activities were considered blasphemous for anyone other than God. Jesus expressed his authority to forgive sins, even sins not committed against him personally – a prerogative reserved for God alone (Mark 2:5-7). Jesus accepted worship from other human beings – a prerogative reserved for…

What does God’s grace teach us to do?

In Titus 2:11-12, Paul expressed both the negative and positive aspects of what grace accomplishes in the Christian life: “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to [negatively] renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to [positively] live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.” Those three…

Taking Sin Seriously

One reason we don’t experience more holiness in our daily lives is that we don’t take some sin seriously. We’ve mentally categorized sins into that which is unacceptable and that which may be tolerated a bit. In commenting on some of the more minute Old Testament dietary laws God gave to the children of Israel,…

Ordinary people using ordinary means can understand the Bible

DeYoung in his book Taking God At His Word walks through several doctrines of Scripture that if rightly understood should foster confidence in a Christian concerning the Bible. One doctrine is the clarity of Scripture. Here’s several things that the clarity of Scripture means: Some portions of Scripture are clearer than others. Not every passage has a simple…