Why Did Plural Eldership Decline in Baptist Life?

This past week I had the chance to give a lecture on leadership in the NT here at Southwest Baptist University. Of particular intrigue to me (and many) is why a plurality of elders fell out of favor among Baptists in the 20th century. Thankfully, Baptists today often have a plurality of elders leading their…

What is a “pain partner”?

I believe this with all my heart: Christian leaders need close friends who can serve as “pain partners.” The phrase “pain partner” is from Samuel Chand’s book, “Leadership Pain: The Classroom for Growth” and one I highly recommend. Here is a quick 8-minute summary of the phrase pain partner that I recorded on our church’s…

5 truths for parenting from the Word.

Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash Deuteronomy, written by Moses, is a sermon he preached to a generation that had been born, grown up, and learned of the promises of God in the wilderness. This generation is about to transition into the Promised Land. Moses realizes he’ll go no further and they know he’ll go…

“Like a Boss.” 5 characteristics of what that actually should mean.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash Trust is crucial for influence and credibility. Oren Harari in The Powell Principles: 24 Lessons from Colin Powell, a Legendary Leader shares a good word on establishing trust that’s essential for leaders to learn. People are inclined to trust those who… Are competent – individuals who have relevant knowledge and experience and…

Mike Schoonover on boxing and 4 truths for your life.

Photo by Attentie Attentie on Unsplash TAKE A 9-COUNT Boxers train. A lot. We’ve all seen the movies. Movies of the underdog boxer incessantly training with motivational 80’s rock music playing in the background. The boxer who runs through the streets of his town in the rain and snow, morning, noon, and night. The sweat covered boxer doing…