5 statements your kids need to hear (and you too, probably)

My bride and I love our kids. Honestly. We enjoy hugging and kissing them. We enjoy holding their hands, though they’re quickly seeing that I’m not nearly as cool as they once thought I was! We love seeing them smile and hearing them laugh. We love when they ask questions about Jesus, truth, the Bible…

Lauren, why do you ALWAYS do that?!?

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash So maybe the above picture is a little bit of an embellishment when seeking to describe the conflict that happens in a lot of marriages? Or maybe it isn’t? My bride and I are going on seventeen years of marriage and though there are many roads of conflict we have often traveled,…

I yelled at my wife the other day because of disordered love.

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash Before you accuse me of not taking ownership of my sin, hear me out. Timothy Keller said, “the functional cause of our discontent is that our loves are ‘out of order.’” Keller is quoting Augustine who said that our issues are reduced to disordered loves. What does Augustine mean by disordered loves?…

I Need a Woman who Can Mulch

Some friends and I were recently out for dinner and were talking about how to guard ourselves from sexual immorality. We were mourning the latest report of a ministry leader who had fallen into sexual sin and spent much of the evening discussing ways to keep ourselves pure. As that conversation lingered in my mind…

How do you “rent” a room to Satan?

Recently, another pastor and I were discussing the apostle Paul’s words in Ephesians 4:25 where he writes, “be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger.” In the course of the conversation, he made the comment, “Do you want to know how to rent a room to Satan?”…