Re-Thinking Holiness: Does this word mean what you think it means? Maybe not.

For the past decade or more, I have had an interest in the concept of holiness. The interest was piqued by Dr. Peter Gentry, now retired Old Testament professor from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) in Louisville, KY. Years ago, I listened to a lecture by Dr. Gentry where he challenged the idea that…

The path to adultery

Adultery doesn’t just happen. More often than not, there’s a slow drip of relational disconnectedness and over months and years, the drip becomes a cascade of deep, relational conflict culminating in the decision to commit adultery. A Christian needs to be aware of the chain of events that often leads to adultery and realize that this…

5 Signs that the Spirit is being taken seriously

Pursuing personal holiness, practicing the disciplines of discipleship and making full use of the means of grace and growth (Bible reading, daily prayer, regular fellowship, active worship and witness, and sharing in the Lord’s Supper). Seeking congregational renewal, in worship, fellowship, maturity, and outreach, with pastor and people collaborating to ensure that all minister and…

Slaying the Dragon of Pornography

Several years ago I shared that I wanted to use this blog to encourage and educate individuals on how they can pursue Jesus with more joy, obedience and faithfulness. The issue of porn has brought great heartache to many men and increasingly women in and outside the church. Here’s a great article on How to…

The Anatomy of Adultery ~ read and pass on please.

The Anatomy of Adultery from A Man and His Marriage material: Unintentional neglect of each other in your marriage. Both the friendship, and the physical intimacy begin to wane. Someone of the opposite sex is really kind to you. They notices you, compliments you, affirms you, and you feel respected. The compliment turns into a conversation. Maybe…